In the cult film "Tre uomini e una gamba" - directed in 1997 by Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo with Massimo Venier - the story unfolds starting from the workplace of the three protagonists: Il Paradiso della Brugola.
Not just a simple hardware store, but a place where precision tools can be used for a possible future turn in mechanics. A place that therefore needs a rebranding in line with contemporary graphic design.
With the valuable and friendly support of Luca Zanatta, Lorenzo Scantamburlo and Nicolò Ciaccia.
Thanks to Elena for the evenings spent rewatching the films of Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo.
In the cult film "Tre uomini e una gamba" - directed in 1997 by Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo with Massimo Venier - the story unfolds starting from the workplace of the three protagonists: Il Paradiso della Brugola.
Not just a simple hardware store, but a place where precision tools can be used for a possible future turn in mechanics. A place that therefore needs a rebranding in line with contemporary graphic design.
With the valuable and friendly support of Luca Zanatta, Lorenzo Scantamburlo and Nicolò Ciaccia.
Thanks to Elena for the evenings spent rewatching the films of Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo.